View Profile Dachampster

141 Audio Reviews

46 w/ Responses

Nice beat

At the beginning it sounded like elevator music or something, then it became like a character theme. Then it was like a dance theme. It has a nice beat to it. A bit skeletal, though. Some of your other pieces were very depth.


I generally dont like the Xtreme techno-y stuff, but this one is great. Makes me wanna dance. But y'know, self control. Still doesnt sound too evil. Sounds a bit bad, but not like demons and evil crap.

Like it

My only problem is that the sound at the beginning was weak. But then once you got the stuff going, I was into it. Sweet song. The voice was a bit drone and boring, but it was alright. Usually this kinda stuff doesnt come up on Newgrounds anyway.

Holy FU¢k

This the most epic song I have heard on Newgrounds. And maybe ever. The only thing I know this epic is the Russian Army song from Call of Duty5. So, congrats!
Great use of the anvils.

Its ok

It is a bit too heavy- there are too many loud tracks at the same. But the idea and sound werent half bad. It sounded like a lot of work was put into this.

BTW, I LOLed at your response to Edukie's review. Remind me never to piss you off.

thecokebitch responds:

yeah - this track was quite a noob attempt for me... I may revisit this at some point... but the way my production is going at the moment, if i revisit it now - it will turn out weird, and ng people probly wouldnt like it.

churr for the feedback tho

Doesnt sound too evil

You start with 10
-1 doesnt sound too evil
+1 sounds really $w33t
-1 A bit messy

Very Nes-like

This really sounded like a Nes song. The only problem I have with this is that it sounds even more simplified than an actual Nes system would offer. I like the sound effects in it, which improves the score a bit. You need to make a song with more tracks and music.

DrummerExtro responds:

The NES only used 3 - 5 monophonic sound channels. But i see where you are getting at. Thanks for the critique man.


You have the right idea with this piece, but it was poorly executed. The song didnt have enough punch in it. I suggest using different instruments for it. You get 5 points because the tune was a bit catchy.

DrummerExtro responds:

Thanks L_L. most of the comps are extremly simple. Ill use different instrumets and try to come out with a better version.

Needs work

Usually video games songs are a bit less skeletal than this. You can do better than this, I think. The bass was way too low and quiet. The lead doesnt even sound like its from a video game. Sorry, but this just isnt enough.

DrummerExtro responds:

yea i do need to work on it way more. ill definitly rework it.
Thanks for the honesty :)

Sweet beatz d00d

The beat to this song is infectious- like a latina rhythm except techno-y The only problem I have with it is that it is kind of boring, especially at 12:30 am... zzzzz. Its pretty good.

Terror-Proof responds:

haha well trying listening to it in the morning then ;)

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Age 29, Male

Joined on 9/30/07

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