Dachampster, I'm going to tell you why are you going to replace my friend Paul Stetich. You are going to replace him because the problem is that he doesn't take requests anymore.
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Age 29, Male
Joined on 9/30/07
Dachampster, I'm going to tell you why are you going to replace my friend Paul Stetich. You are going to replace him because the problem is that he doesn't take requests anymore.
Request? What are you talking about?
HI RANDOLPH !!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Ben whats up
Hi. Visit my userpage, read my news post and comment because you are going to replace my friend Paul Stetich in doing the remixes of my YouTube videos that I posted. When you watch them, you will see in the south of the video screen the translated things that they say in Spanish. I mean, me, my grandfather, my closest friend and the construction workers. I translated that from Spanish to English, but in some videos it's English only. The gray colored boxes of the subtitles is what I say, the green colored boxes is what my grandfather says, the blue colored boxes is what my closest friend says and the red colored boxes is what each construction worker says.